* An optional Bluetooth® unit (UT-133A or UT-137) or a data cable (OPC-2350LU) is required. Not all functions are usable with the IC-7100. * Some functions may not work properly, depending on Android™/iOS™ phones and devices used. * Photo shows RS-MS1A...
Icom_D-star_system_introduction_2015使用说明书手册.pdf,SYSTEM INTRODUCTION D-STAR the Join World! ™ RS-MS1A Android Application Enhances Your D-STAR Experience Share Pictures Text Messaging Take pictures – including your shack, Text messaging allows
RS-BA1IP Remote Control Software (Version 2)RS-MS1A Remote Control appliction for Android and Google Play Mounting Bracket MB118Mobile Mounting Bracket Carry Handle MB123Carry Handle External Speaker SP355w external speaker, 4 ohm, tweeter SP38High quality audio and matching height Maximum input...
Icom ID-52的功能介绍如下:●显示屏。ID-52配备了一块大尺寸、彩色的显示屏,尺寸达到了2.3英寸,使得在室外甚至在强烈阳光下也能清晰可见。此外,该设备支持切换白色背景显示和深色背景显示,能够在日常使用中减轻眼睛的疲劳感。●远程控制。通过选配件RS-MS1A,可以对设备进行远程控制。●音频输出。ID-52的音频...
even in bright sunlight. The transceiver also supports Bluetooth®communication as standard. Wirelessly connect to Android™ devices with ST-4001A/ST-4001I Picture Utility Software and RS-MS1A Remote Control Software installed, the optional VS-3 Bluetooth®headset is also available, for hands-...
OPC-1637 USB Cable USB Cable for Android™ Qty. 2 Ferrite EMI snap-on filters. System requirements: Windows® 7 or later USB 1.1 or 2.0 Internet connection for driver installation Android 4.0 or later RS-MS1A Android application (install first!) Copyright 2018 Universal Radio, Inc....
-使用选件RS-BA1IP遥控软件进行遥控操作 ⑷外接扬声器插孔[SP] (第21-5页) 用于连接外接扬声器(4到8Ω)。 •为[USB]接口指配了两个COM端口号。“USB1” 用于克隆和CI-V操作。“USB2”的功能在菜单⑸手咪接口[MIC] 模式“Connectors”下的“USB2Function”菜 插入随机提供的手咪或选件手咪。 单项选择。
InputportfortheRS/SQLvolumecon- 97SQLL 19RITDOutputsthe“RIT”LEDcontrolsignal.trolsignal. Outputsthe“LOCK”LEDcontrolsig-inputportfortheSHIFTvolumecontrol 20LCKD99SFTL nal.signal. 21RXDOutputsthe“RX”LEDcontrolsignal. 22TXDOutputsthe“TX”LEDcontrolsignal. OutputtheLCDbacklightcontrolsig- nals. BL...
ceiversfrontend. ORDERINGPARTS Besuretoincludethefollowingfourpointswhenordering replacementparts: 1.10-digitordernumbers 2.Componentpartnumberandname 3.Equipmentmodelnameandunitname 4.Quantityrequired SAMPLEORDER 1110002820S.ICNJM2100MIC-446SMAINUNIT5pieces 8810009560ScrewPHBOM2x6ZKIC-446SChassis10pieces Addre...