AVGi 口 te Use of St ngS chermesl SGsPts SS 芭 S CPPERATING NOTES EXPLICH DEFINITIONS information coverheard through the IC-R1, Pu nct intenadea fr ybu, cannot be lawfully used in any way, The fciicowing explicit aefnitions apply to this manual: Thae IC-R1 may receivys jis cy ...
7610短波电台维修手册 KENWOOD建伍TK-388G对讲机 中文维修手册 PIONEER先锋 XDJ-R1 DJ控制器维修手册 KENWOOD建伍TK-705R车载对讲机维修手册 ICOM艾可慕 IC-R8500接收机维修手册 iCOM艾可慕iC-R6手持接收机对讲机维修手册 ICOM艾可慕IC-706短波电台维修手册 ICOM艾可慕 IC7600宽频接收机维修手册 ICOM艾可慕IC-756PRO...
3IC-R1User/Owners/Instruction Manual 4IC-R10User/Owners/Instruction Manual 5IC-R100User/Owners/Instruction Manual 6IC-R2User/Owners/Instruction Manual 7IC-R20User/Owners/Instruction Manual 8IC-R3User/Owners/Instruction Manual 9IC-R5User/Owners/Instruction Manual ...
The ICOM IC-2SRE is a handheld VHF transceiver. It covers a frequency range of 25-950 MHz for reception and 144-146 MHz for transmission. The radio features an RF output of High: 5 W, Low 3: 3.5 W, Low 2: 1.5 W, and Low 1: 500 mW. It is equipped with a built-in IC-R1 ...
Previous Model: IC-R1 DiscontinuedWideband Receivers Specifications|Accessories|Larger Photo TheIcom IC-R2is a miracle of miniaturization. At only 2.3"x3.4"x1" (58x86x27 mm) is it absolutely packed with features. It is especially big on coverage, tuning from 495 kHz to 1309.9 MHz (less cellul...
R1R1XP65010ITNBJR144C244124 11N 6040Q25CGNNJM12902VNJM13403VNJM12904V2VIN1VIN82301. 30.30.123C2533VOUT1VOUT822402K 2020VOUT2VOUT7390 CC123K9421C20 8K516K31UNR9113G004820P5VIN2VIN7201.R1 37303730071915KVDDGND0 RC0RC0422P21.2.9107182 3.3011C0C0SDECR1518R18C...
IC-PCR1000.1-1300MHzAM/FM/WFM41 IC-R10.1-1300MHzAM/FM/WFM41 IC-R20.495-1310MHzAM/FM/WFM35 IC-R100.5-1300MHzAll-mode1000memories56 IC-R1000.1-1856MHzAM/FM/WFM100memories53 IC-R700.1-30MHzAll-mode1982-198485 IC-R710.1-30MHzAll-mode1984-1996101 ...
ICOM 艾可慕 IC-A25N 航空手持电台手台 内置蓝牙GPS对讲机 IC-A24替代机型爆料人: 谢冰乐 23-05-27发布 京东此款目前活动售价3890元,下单参与满500减20元、满200元减20元优惠活动,实付低至3850元,近期好价,感兴趣的值友可以入手。 简明购买步骤 1 领券 满500减20元 2 加购 当前商品1件 3 下单 ...
InAMmode,theALCcircuit(IC2351b,D2381)limitsmaxi- emissionisreduced.Thefilteredsignalisattenuatedat mumleveloftheIC2201output.Themaximummodulation R5–R7andamplifiedatIC1,andisthenappliedtothePA levelissetbyR2385(MAINunit). unitviatheattenuator(R1–R3). ThesignalsfromtheMAINunitareamplifiedatthepredrive ...