100 Watts of output is available on all bands - HF, 50 MHz and 144 MHz, making the IC-746 Pro a practical choice for all-around base station use. The die-cast aluminum chassis and a large cooling fan help to stabilize the PA circuit, providing 100% full duty cycle operation. The ...
1.5:1 or better of Voltage Stand- For a description and a diagram of accessory equip- ing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is recommended for your de- ment included with the IC-7400, see ‘Supplied acces- sired band. Of course, the transmission line should be sories’ on p. ii of this manual. a...
As noted in the manual, the receiver and band scope sweep functions use the same re- ceive circuit, and "the switching sound may be irritating to listen to." Refreshingly frank, eh? A menu choice attenuates or mutes the audio during fast sweeping so you don't have to listen to it. I...