数字模式已经成为主流,为老机器IC-7300 设置 FT8成为当务之急,在此视频中,Hayden VK7HH 展示了如何为 ICOM IC-7300电台设置 WSJT 数字模式 FT8 和 FT4,我们一起来看! 要在Icom IC-7300上操作数字模式?我将向您展示如何设置您的 Icom IC-7300 以与 WSJT-X 和其他数字模式(如 FT8)一起使用。这些是我...
icom艾可慕车载台IC-A120对讲机车台IC-A120E航空海事车载电台VHF 广州市誉丰通信设备有限公司 5年 回头率: 35.7% 广东 广州市南沙区 ¥11.00 成交633只 3米T头电源线八重洲FT7800R/7900/8900/ICOM建伍车载对讲机电台线 深圳市福田区特瑞特通电子商行 11年 回头率: 36.1% 广东 深圳市福田区 ...
but it runs off two “AA” batteries, which I really like. The tuner uses a BNC coaxial patch cable and a 1/8” stereo patch cable for connection to the IC-705. I don’t need to use
(HP-628A/HP-628F,船用自动识别系统HA-102,HP-33A,HP-528A),IC-M36对讲机,池洋CY-VH01对讲机,CY-VHF-B船用甚高频电台,新阳升NTW-1000甚高频电话,NHR-1500中高频电台,VPL8个人示位标,英国Ocean Signal PLB1个人示位标,FT-805B船用电台,FS-1001B双频渔探仪,AM-100风向和风速仪,AIS测试仪NAT-200,NST...
Other Setup Notes Setting up the 7100 is pretty easy, but there’s a lot of features in there, and it’s a good idea to take time to go through both the Basic and Advanced manuals. D-Star is particularly confusing, and understanding the D-Star sections of the manual will require some...
Icom 7300 for all things HF including mostly FT8! Icom 705 for HF, DSTAR, portable and mobile operations. Antennas on HF: 135′ EFHW antenna – 80m through 10m at 40′. 65′ EFHW antenna – 40m through 10m at 35′. 6m dipole at 17’made from leftover BuddiPole parts VHF / UHF...