IC-7100有两个VFO,“A”和“B”,以方便快速选择两 L左侧D显示屏R右侧说明书中的L、R、C或 个频率,或者异频操作。用每个VFO都可以调出其频 D表示机头前面板的不同 率和操作模式。分区。 VFO是可变频率振荡器的缩写。L:左侧 R:右侧 选择VFOA或VFOBC:中间 ①MENUC 在VFO模式下,一次或多次按()选择D:显...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) ICOM IC-R7100 Instruction Manual说明书用户手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ICOMIC-R7100InstructionManual说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 INSTRUCTION MANUAL WIDEBAND RECEIVER IC-RZ71OO0 lcom Inc. IMP...
[资料简介]ICOM艾可慕 IC-R7100短波电台维修手册,本音响维修手册为扫描版-电路图 大小:27.88 MB 格式:PDF 语言:英文 English Service Manual Download 页数:71页 注意!本站所有维修手册都带有维修电路图!
IC-R7000 Specifications|Accessories|Rear Panel|Larger View TheIcom IC-R7100-12VHF-UHF receiver covers from 25 to 800 and 900 to 2000 MHz in the following modes: AM, AM-W, FM, FM-W, FM-N, USB and LSB. Nine tuning steps are featured: 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 12.5, 25, 100 and 1000 kH...
UA54 Icom R7100-12 $599.95 SOLD VHF-UHF Receiver The Icom IC-R7100 has a LCD digital display and receives 25 to 800 and 900 to 2000 MHz in all modes. Many types of scanning are supported plus keypad entry and manual tuning. The rear panel has I/O and N antenna jacks. No box or...
IC-7100 at 3.58 MHz, TX Delay set to None 7100 connected through -40dB current transformer to dummy load -40dB output to 100MHz digital storage oscilloscope (Siglent SDS-1102-CML+) DSO display set to infinite persistence (all sweeps stay on screen) ...
Icom IC-R7100 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Type:HF / VHF / UHF receiver/scanner Frequency range:25-2000 MHz Tuning steps:100 Hz, 1 / 5 / 10 / 12.5 / 20 / 25 / 100 KHz Frequency stability:25-250 MHz:Less than ±1.5 KHz 250-1000 MHz:Less than ±5 ppm ...
The R7100 receiver covers 25 MHz to 1.99999 GHz with workable sensitivity and selectivity for SSB and wider signals. It fails as the communications receiver Icom describes it as because there is no provision for receiver muting while transmitting. There is an internal receiver mute circuit that ...
DOC (DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY) IC-R8600 MANUAL (Spanish manual) IC-R8600 CI-V REFERENCE GUIDE IC-R8600 Instruction Manual Version 1.01 RS-R8600 Preparations Version 1.01 RS-R8600 Installation Guide for Windows 11/10/8.1 USB3.0 Supported USB Driver (Ver.1.30) CS-7100/CS-9100/CS-97...