IC-718 V/M1A=B2A/B3 MODEFILTS MW4M-CL5MV6 SPL7SCN8VOX9 F-INP NR.ANF0ENT !6 qPWRAFRF/SQLRITSHIFTNBCOMPSET!5 MIC PHONES P.AMPATTTUNER!4 LOCK!3 w CH√DNUP∫!2 ertyuio!0!1 orrotatethecontrolcounterclockwisetodecreasethe qPOWERSWITCH[PWR]frequency.“”appearsonthedisplay. ➥Pushmo...
The IC-718 requires 12 VDC at 20 Amps. The IC-718 comes with the HM-36 or HM-219 hand mic and OPC-025A OPC-2361 DC power cable. Size: 9.67 x 3.8 x 9.5 inches 8 lbs. 6 oz. (240x95x239mm 3.8 kg). See July 2000 QST for a review of this radio. The IC-718 is a great...
INSTRUCTIONMANUAL HFALLBANDTRANSCEIVER i718 ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCrules.Operationissub- jecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcause harmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterference received,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation. IC-718.qxd02.9.614:28Pagea i ...
IC-T81EU.K.UK ItalyITA Toupgradequality,allelectricalormechanicalpartsand internalcircuitsaresubjecttochangewithoutnoticeor obligation. DANGER NEVERconnectthetransceivertoanACoutletortoaDC powersupplythatusesmorethan16V.Suchaconnection couldcauseafirehazardand/orelectric. DONOTexposethetransceivertorain,snoworan...
The 30Amp fuse provides an added layer of safety, protecting your equipment from potential power surges. With an input voltage range of 12 to 14 V, this cable is compatible with a wide range of walkie talkies, including the Icom IC-706, IC-718, IC-746, IC-756, and Kenwood TS-50s, ...
The IC-78 requires 12 VDC at 20 Amps. The IC-78 comes with the HM-36 or HM-219 hand mic and DC power cable. Size: 9.67 x 3.8 x 9.5 inches 8 lbs. 6 oz. (240x95x239mm 3.8 kg). Optional filters require soldering. The Icom IC-78 can be purchased for government or for export...
This equipment is automatic tuner intended for use with modern Icom transceivers that supports an AH-3 or AH-4 Icom tuner; a partial list of compatible units includes: IC-706, 703, 718, 7000,7100,7200,7300,7410,746,756,7600 (and all variants). It is very convenient to be operated dire...
IC-M700 IC-M710 IC-M700PRO IC-M600 Package: 1*HM-180 microphone Sold by Radioman Store(Trader) Ship to Canada AliExpress commitment Shipping: US $12.96 Delivery:Feb 12 - 23 Security & Privacy Safe payments: We do not share your personal details with any third parties without your consent...
ICOM IC-718 Transceiver HF/SSB 1,8~30MHz 100W w/ DSP ICOM US$ 879,00 ICOM IC-7100 -Transceiver Multi-Banda D-STAR ICOM US$ 1.999,00 ICOM IC-7700 - Transceptor Fixo HF / 50 MHz 200W ICOM US$ 9.150,00 ICOM AH-2B Antena Móvel de 40 a 6m ICOM US$ 599,00 ICOM IC-2730A ...
Thank you for the prompt service!Your USB->CI-V is working great with MacLoggerDX running with my IC-718!Maurice, AB8XA I have tried your USB CIV with N1MM, Ham Radio Deluxe, MMTTY, Hamscope and it works perfectly and very fast with all of them. I wish everything worked as well ...