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Icom IC-F14 S系列手持无线电说明书
Icom IC-F1100D和IC-F2100D IDAS数字手持通信器说明书 VHF AND UHF DIGITAL TRANSCEIVERS Big on Audio, Small on Size 1500 mW Class Leading Audio The IC-F1100D and IC-F2100D IDAS™ digital handheld units im-prove on the past performance of the IC-F1000D and IC-F2000D as well as setting ...
HM-75LS Remote Control Speaker Mic Not in stock HM-153LS Ear Mic Discontinued HM-166LS Light Ear Mic Discontinued HM-186LS Compact Speaker Mic Not in stock HS-94 Earpiece style headset only (requires OPC-2006LS) Discontinued HS-95 Neck-arm style headset with boom mic (requires OPC-2006LS...
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ICOM HM-166LS耳机 双针耳机 ID-51E耳机 icom对讲机通用 正品保证 性能可靠 icom 生产 艾可慕 ICOM对讲机配件 ICOM 艾可慕IC-F8101短波电台支架托架固定架MB-126 质量可靠 稳定性能 安装方便 艾可慕 ICOM对讲机配件 艾可慕ICOM手持麦克风HM-186LS业余对讲机话筒肩咪手麦喊话筒 业余之选 适用 ID-51 ID-31 使...
NEVER attach AVOID piacing the transceiver against walls or putting an antenna or internal antenna connector during trans- anything on top of the transceiver. This will obstruct mission. This may result in an electrical shock or burm. heat dissipation。 作 NEVER apply Ac to the [DC13.8V] sock...
ICOM HM-166LS耳机 双针耳机 ID-51E耳机 icom对讲机通用 正品保证 性能可靠 icom 生产 艾可慕 ICOM对讲机配件 ICOM 艾可慕IC-A25航空对讲机航空电池充电器BC-224 BC-123S整套座充 结实耐用 原厂配件 艾可慕 ICOM对讲机配件 艾可慕ICOM车载支架MBF-4车载托架IC-2730E固定架ID-5100D配件 进口品质 艾可慕 ICOM...
Level:05hm(-113dBm Modulation:OFF Receiving MIXER1]*Displayedfrequency:500.0kHzRear|connectltheACMinimumaudiooutput|MAINR10 BALANCE:二:panel|minivohmetertothe|Ievet “ConnecttheSSGtothe[ANT]IEXTSP]jackwitha conneciorandselas:4电load LevelOFF *Recekving TOTALGAIN|1|,Displayedfrequeney:12.2300MHz|Re...
porated(Japan)inJapan,theUnitedStates,theUnitedKingdom,Germany,#5,247,579,#5,226,084and#5,195,166. France,Spain,Russiaand/orothercountries. i PRECAUTIONS RDANGER!NEVERshorttheterminalsofthebat-CAUTION:MAKESUREtheflexibleantenna,bat- terypack.terypackandjackcoveraresecurelyattachedtothetrans- ...