If an estimate has not been responded to within 21 days of the initial contact, the estimate will be considered denied and we will ship the product back to the customer including a processing fee. Repair Center Offerings Firmware Update- ½ hour labor ...
Since the beginning of 2017, the 60-meter band (5 MHz) has been released for amateur radio in Germany. If you want to expand your Icom HC Transceiver IC-7610 for this area, please kindly contact one of ouramateur radio retail partners(D/A/CH). They are informed about the possible proc...
Firmware information: Release E4 IC-7100 Firmware update instructions IC-7100 Tips for the USB port settings IC-7100/IC-7300/IC-7610/IC-7850/IC-7851/IC-9100 D-STAR Application Guide ID-52A PLUS/ID-52E PLUS/ID-52A/ID-52E/IC-705/IC-905/IC-9700/IC-7100/ID-4100E/ID-4100A/ID-51...
Firmware / Software TypeModel NameVersionLast Update Cloning software CS-R8600 Revision 1.21 2022.03.24 USB Driver IC-7100/IC-7200/IC-7300/IC-7410/IC-7600/IC-7610/IC-7850/IC-7851/IC-9100/IC-9700/IC-R8600 Version 1.30 2018.06.07 USB Driver IC-7100/IC-7200/IC-7300/IC-7410/IC-7600/IC...