ICOM艾克幕IC-756Pro3_用户操作说明书手册_2005 下载积分: 1910 内容提示: INSTRUCTION MANUALHF/50 MHzALL MODE TRANSCEIVERThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is sub-ject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this ...
ICOM IC-756 Instruction Manual说明书用户手册.pdf,ICOMIC-756InstructionManual说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册INSTRUCTION MANUAL HF/50 MHz ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER IC 一 72 Icom lnc. IMPORTANT READ THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL SAVE THIS INST
The IC-756 Pro II spectrum scope display occupied the lower half of the screen. The IC-756Pro III provides a selectable mini-scope display mode. This allows simultaneous display of the filter, memory-keyer and other menus along with a half-size spectrum-scope display. 60...
Choices:Used IC-781 or new IC-756Pro3? Click iconfor theNardoEPROM RAMboard. Here are thePBT Modfor the "IF-Shift" IC-751A, and thePIEXXUX-14PX board. Click iconfor N2CBU's IC-R71A Technical Information Resource including RAM module info. ...
ICOM IC-756PROIII 频率范围:Rx: 0.03-60MHz, TX: 1.8-1.999MHz, 3.5-3.999MHz, 5.3305, 5.3465, 5.3665, 5.3715, 5.4035 MHz, 7-7.3MHz, 10.1-10.15MHz, 14-14.35MHz。ICOM IC-756PROIII 功率:5-100(SSB, CW, RTTY, FM), 5-40(AM)W ic756 2020-08-01 上传 大小:18.00MB 所...
IC-756Pro III IC-761 ++ IC-765 ++ IC-775 ++ IC-775 DSP ++IC-78 ++ IC-7800 IC-781 ++ IC-820 ++ IC-821 ++ IC-910 ++ IC-970 ++ IC-R10IC-R20 *IC-R7000IC-R7100IC-R72IC-R75IC-R8500IC-R9000 IC-375 ++ IC-575 ++ *The interface will work with the IC-R20 if you change ...
Many prospective IC-7700 buyers already own an IC-756Pro3. Add the IC-7700 to your existing Pro3 for the perfect contest station; use the IC-7700 as your main transceiver, and the IC-756Pro3 as a spotting receiver. Upgrade from your IC-765 or IC-775DSP, and get the benefits of ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) ICOM IC-F3100D series, IC-F4100D series Instruction Manual说明书用户手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ICOMIC-F3100Dseries,IC-F4100DseriesInstructionManual说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 ...
The IC- 756PROIII review reported that ICOM had finally licked this problem, and as shown in Figure 3, the IC-7000 works correctly as well. The only drawback to using QSK is the sound of the relay clicking, but it didn't bother me with headphones on. Voice Operation: Can Sound Good...
IC-756Pro III IC-761 ++ IC-765 ++ IC-775 ++ IC-775DSP ++ IC-78 == IC-7800 IC-781 ++ IC-820 ++ IC-821 ++ IC-910 ++ IC-970 ++ IC-R10IC-R20*IC-R7000IC-R7100IC-R72IC-R75IC-R8500IC-R9000 IC-375 ++ IC-575 ++ *TheinterfacewillworkwiththeIC-R20ifyouchangethe3.5mmmonojack...