antennaelementwhiletuningortransmitting.Always frequency. placeitinasecureplace. Retunetheantennabeforetransmittingwhenyou CAUTION:DONOToperatetheexternalantenna changethefrequency,evenslightly. tunerwithoutanantennaconnected,Thetunerand transceiverwillbedamaged. NEVERoperatetheexternalantennatunerifitisnotSettingthetuner...
Allows the radio to transmit just outside the amateur radio bands. It is the responsibility of the radio operator to make sure they are in compliance of FCC regulations. If you cause damage by transmitting to far out of its intended frequency range, power or usage it will not be covered ...
The Icom IC-7200 ($900 US) The Icom IC-7200 The IC-7200 delivers a lot of performance for a sub-$1,000 price. Its general coverage receiver will rival that of the venerable R75, and its AM filter can be widened to 6 kHz. Ergonomics are better than average. Plus, it has Icom’s...