Papers must deal specifically with aspects of network protocol research. Papers on general networking where network protocols are only a secondary focus will be considered only if they are of exceptional quality. ICNP will select an accepted full paper for the best paper award. ICNP 2012 will use...
aspects of design, analysis, measurement, architecture, etc., papers need to articulate some relevance to networking and protocols. Those that do not will be returned as out-of-scope. If you are in doubt as to whether your paper is a fit for ICNP, please reach out to the Program co-...
while it is permissible for authors to give local talks on their work and release their paper on a non-peer-reviewed location, e.g., an institutional repository or even arXiv, care should be exercised to limit public exposure as much as possible...
Besides anonymizing your submission, double-blind reviewing also imposes additional requirements on both authors and reviewers. Specifically, while it is permissible for authors to give local talks on their work and release their paper on a non-peer-reviewed location, e.g., an institutional repositor...