THEICNCODEOFETHICSFORNURSES国际护理-台湾护理学会.PDF THE ICN CODE OF ETHICS FOR NURSES 國際護理協會—護理人員倫理規範 國際護理協會於1953年首次公布護理人員倫理規範。至今經多次修訂與確認而 於2012年公布最新修定版。 序文 護理人員有四項基本責任:促進健康、預防疾病、恢復健康與減輕痛苦。對 護理人員而言,...
翻译 icn 释义 [医][=infection control nurse]感染控制护士 大小写变形:ICN 实用场景例句 全部 To be effective theICNCode of Ethics for Nurses must be familiar to nurses. 国际护士协会护士职业道德准则必需为护士所熟知以发挥效果. 互联网
To be effective the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses must be familiar to nurses. We encourage you to help with its dissemination to schools of nursing, practising nurses, the nursing press and other mass media. The Code should also be disseminated to other health professions, the general public,...