International Council for Nurses (ICN) (2007) The ICN code of ethics for nurses. ICN, Geneva. Available at: http:// pdf, accessed 8 July 2010.Curtin L. (2001) The ICN Code of ethics for nurses: shared values in a troubled ...
icn 释义 [医][=infection control nurse]感染控制护士 大小写变形:ICN 点击人工翻译,了解更多 人工释义 实用场景例句 全部 To be effective theICNCode of Ethics for Nurses must be familiar to nurses. 国际护士协会护士职业道德准则必需为护士所熟知以发挥效果. ...
翻译 icn 释义 [医][=infection control nurse]感染控制护士 大小写变形:ICN 实用场景例句 全部 To be effective theICNCode of Ethics for Nurses must be familiar to nurses. 国际护士协会护士职业道德准则必需为护士所熟知以发挥效果. 互联网
这种无与伦比的信赖,植根于ICN一倡导的卓越行业标准! 10. TheICNCodeofEthicsforNursesisaguideforactionbased onsocialvaluesandneeds. 国际护士协会护士职业道德准则是社会价值和需要制订的行动指南。 1 2
:DoPropogateInterest()and replacing thePropagateInterest ()with the codes associated with specific realization of the process mentioned above. We also choose to write two new and CustomStrategy.h based on the source code ofbest-route.ccto realize our own modular strategy...
ICN code of ethics withdrawn from RNABC StandardsNursing Bc
The article reports that the International Council of Nurses (ICN) has revised its code of ethics in 2012 which gives professional emphasis on positive work environments and the use of evidence-based practice.EBSCO_AspAmerican Journal of Nursing...
To be effective the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses must be familiar to nurses. We encourage you to help with its dissemination to schools of nursing, practising nurses, the nursing press and other mass media. The Code should also be disseminated to other health professions, the general public...