icmpTypesAndCodes参数是 ICMP 类型和代码的列表,用分号分隔。 “*”表示所有 ICMP 类型和代码。 要求 要求值 最低受支持的客户端Windows Vista [仅限桌面应用] 最低受支持的服务器Windows Server 2008 [仅限桌面应用] 目标平台Windows 标头netfw.h
ICMP message types and codes for IPv4 ICMP defines about 43 message types for IPv4 and reserves 44 -255 for future use. Only a couple of message types have sub-types. Sub-types are defined by using code values. We can categorize ICMP message types into the following three categories. Error...
【ICMP Protocol】 参考: 1、ICMP Types and Codes:http://www.nthelp.com/icmp.html 2、RFC 792 - Internet Control Message Protocol:http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc7
Understanding ICMP Types and Codes The ICMP protocol has a field called type, which indicates what type the ICMP packet is. If the type field is 8, then the packet is an ICMP echo (ping) request, while if the type field is 0, then the packet is an ICMP echo (ping) reply. ...
There is no port number associated with ICMP packets. ICMP uses types and codes. The type and code combination identifies the specific message being received. The network software itself interprets all ICMP messages. Today we are going to show you if ICMP has a port number with an example. ...
37#defineICMP_ADDRESS 17 /* Address Mask Request */38#defineICMP_ADDRESSREPLY 18 /* Address Mask Reply */39#defineNR_ICMP_TYPES 18404142/*Codes for UNREACH. 这里就是code*/43#defineICMP_NET_UNREACH 0 /* Network Unreachable */44#defineICMP_HOST_UNREACH 1 /* Host Unreachable */45#define...
icmp协议名词解释 ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)是一种网络协议,用于交换控制和错误消息,以帮助管理和诊断IP网络。以下是相关参考内容: 1. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Overview: /internet-control-message-protocol-icmp-overview/ 2. ICMP Protocol - ICMP Types and Codes: /internet_...
Use to specify a particular ICMP type and code as defined in: - ICMP Parameters - ICMPv6 Parameters If you specify ICMP or ICMPv6 as the protocol but omit this object, then all ICMP types and codes are allowed. If you do provide this object, the type is required and the code is ...
Instead of using ports, ICMP relies on message types and codes to distinguish between different types of control and error messages. Each ICMP message has a unique Type field and a Code field: Type Field Specifies the general type of ICMP message, such as "Echo Request" or "Destination Unrea...
Reply */#endif#ifndef ICMP_ADDRESS#define ICMP_ADDRESS 17/* Address Mask Request */#endif#ifndef ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY#define ICMP_ADDRESSREPLY 18/* Address Mask Reply */#endif#ifndef NR_ICMP_TYPES#define NR_ICMP_TYPES 18#endifCode:/* Codes for Type3 UNREACH. */#ifndef ICMP_...