因此,ping 命令发出的包也是符合 ICMP 协议格式的,只不过它在后面增加了自己的格式。 对 ping 的主动请求,进行网络抓包,称为 ICMP ECHO REQUEST。同理,主动请求的回复,称为ICMP ECHO REPLY。比起原生的 ICMP,这里面多了两个字段,一个是标识符,另一个是序号。这不难理解,大帅派出去两队斥候,...
允许Echo Request消息出站以便于内部用户能够PING一个远程主机。阻止入站Echo Request和出站Echo Reply可以防止外部网络的主机对内部网络进行扫描。如果您使用了位于外部网络的监视器来监视内部网络,就应该只允许来自于特定外部IP的Echo Request进入您的网络。限制ICMP Echo包的大小可以防止“Ping Floods”攻击,并且可以阻止...
The ICMP monitor tests the performance of the Internet Control Message Protocol service running on a network. To do this, the monitor uses the ICMP echo command.
In an ICMP test, ICMP Echo Request and Echo Response messages are sent to test the destination reachability and calculate the network response time and packet loss rate. The test result clearly reflects the network performance and connectivity. The ICMP test functions similarly to thepingcommand. ...
观察这个ICMP分组,可以看出,此ICMP分组的Type 8 and Code 0 即所谓的ICMP “echo request” 分组。图4.3 ICMP协议详细信息在实验报告中回答下面问题:(1)你所在主机的IP地址是多少?目的主机的IP地址是多少?主机:00目的:4(2)查看ping请求分组,ICMP的type 和code是多少?这个ICMP 包包含了哪些其他的字段?Checksum、...
#define ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST 8 //定义回显请求类型 #define DEF_ICMP_DATA_SIZE 20 //定义发送数据长度 #define DEF_ICMP_PACK_SIZE 32 //定义数据包长度 #define MAX_ICMP_PACKET_SIZE 1024 //定义最大数据包长度 #define DEF_ICMP_TIMEOUT 3000 //定义超时为3秒 #define ICMP_TIMEOUT 11 //ICMP超时报...
ICMP flood attack.Sometimes called aping flood attack, the goal of this attack is to overwhelm the target device with echo request packets. Each echo request packet must be processed by the target and responded to with Echo Reply messages. This sucks up all the target computer's resources, ...
Type:/** Error Messages: (type <128) */#define ICMP6_DST_UNREACH 1#define ICMP6_PACKET_TOO_BIG 2#define ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED 3#define ICMP6_PARAM_PROB 4/** Informational Messages (type>=128) */#define ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST 128#define ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY 129#define MLD_LISTENER...
17 Address Mask Request 18 Address Mask Reply 30 Traceroute ICMP Echo Request and Echo Reply The two most important ICMP messages are Echo Request (8) and Echo Reply (0). Echo Request and Echo Reply are utilized by the `ping` command to test network connectivity. Here we use the `ping...
允许Echo Request消息出站以便于内部用户能够PING一个远程主机。阻止入站Echo Request和出站Echo Reply可以防止外部网络的主机对内部网络进行扫描。如果您使用了位于外部网络的监视器来监视内部网络,就应该只允许来自于特定外部IP的Echo Request进入您的网络。限制ICMP Echo包的大小可以防止“Ping Floods”攻击,并且可以阻止...