icmp receive 命令功能 icmp receive命令用来启动设备接收ICMP报文功能。 undo icmp receive命令用来关闭设备接收ICMP报文功能。 缺省情况下,设备接收ICMP报文。出厂配置文件中,已指定设备不接收名为timestamp-request的ICMP报文。 命令格式 icmp{typeicmp-typecodeicmp-code|nameicmp-name|all}receive...
ipv6 icmp receive命令用来使能系统接收ICMPv6报文功能。 undo ipv6 icmp receive命令用来去使能系统接收ICMPv6报文的功能。 缺省情况下,使能系统接收ICMPv6报文的功能。 命令格式 ipv6 icmp { icmpv6-type icmpv6-code | icmpv6-name | all } receive undo ipv6 icmp { icmpv6-type icmpv6-code | icmpv6-name |...
ping是向网络主机发送ICMP回显请求(ECHO_REQUEST)分组,是TCP/IP协议的一部分。主要可以检查网络是否通畅或者网络连接速度快慢,从而判断网络是否正常。 ping命令底层使用的是ICMP,ICMP报文封装在ip包里。它是一个对IP协议的补充协议,允许主机或路由器报告差错情况和异常状况。 ICMP报文格式和各个字段的含义 ICMP报文由首部...
AI代码解释 defreceive_ping(self,sock,ID,timeout):""" Receive ping from the socket.""" time_remaining=timeoutwhileTrue:start_time=time.time()readable=select.select([sock],[],[],time_remaining)time_spent=(time.time()-start_time)ifreadable[0]==[]:# Timeoutreturntime_received=time.time(...
enc28j60_packet_receive(uip_buf, MAX_FRAMELEN); }//发送一包数据voidtapdev_send(void) { enc28j60_packet_send(uip_buf, MAX_FRAMELEN); } 把UIP相关文件放在一起 最后把上述提到的unix/uip-conf.h、unix/tapdev.h放到UIP文件夹中,通过IDE(如keil5)设置头文件路径为UIP文件夹,添加如下图红框中的....
Receive timestamp is the time the echoer first touched it on receipt. Transmit timestamp is the time the echoer last touched the message on sending it. All timestamps are in units of milliseconds since midnight UT. If the time is not available in milliseconds or cannot be provided with...
*/#ifndefPING_DEBUG#definePING_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON#endif/** ping receive timeout - in milliseconds */#ifndefPING_RCV_TIMEO#definePING_RCV_TIMEO 1000#endif/** ping delay - in milliseconds */#ifndefPING_DELAY#definePING_DELAY 1000#endif/** ping identifier - must fit on a u16_t */#ifndef...
// And then the receive buffer recv_buf = (IPHeader*)new char[MAX_PING_PACKET_SIZE]; if (recv_buf == 0) { cerr << "Failed to allocate output buffer." << endl; return -1; } return 0; } /* * 程序名: rawping.h * 说明: ...
I've installed document-viewer on Plone. When I upoad a document I receive this error: My openoffice installation is in /opt/openoffice4 I'm using docsplit v 0.6.4 how can I solve this? As I've read o... Code is not compiling but seems good to me ...
#include<string.h> #include<netinet/ip_icmp.h> #include<netinet/udp.h> #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<sys/socket.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<netinet/ether.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<errno.h> #include<netinet/in.h> ...