(especially where investment limits of official sector investor policy favoured local market investment).As analysed in the 180、 previous section using Covalent Capitals data,more than half of the primary issuance in the Asian G3 space was bought by Asian investors(about 55%)18.Regarding ESG ...
The double bass in the world of classical music is subject to many clichés: too low to be a soloist, obliged to accompany, lack of repertoire. Historically, this instrument has always had an accompanying role. When people talk about my work and talk about « pushing certain limits », ...
Dinastia Borgia Montserrat Figueras, Lior Elmaleh, Driss El Maloumi, Pascal Bertin, Lluís Vilamajó, Marc Mauillon, Furio Zanasi, Daniele Carnovich, La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hespèrion XXI, Jordi Savall Alia Vox AVSA9875A+C A sonorous voyage in which there are no limits to the delight...