型号:ICM-45605 传感器类型: 加速计,陀螺仪,6 轴 输出类型: I2C,I3C,SPI 封装/外壳: 14-VF...
The ICM-45605 is an ultra high‑performance 6‑axis MEMS motion sensor family with the world’s first BalancedGyro™ technology and lowest power consumption. The sensor combines a 3‑axis gyroscope and a 3‑axis accelerometer in a compact 2.5 × 3 × 0.81 mm package....
ICM-45605 ? 用途 一般グレード 市場 AR VR HMD Wearable Drone Robotics 軸 6-Axis 機能 シリーズ ICM ステータス 量産体制 コメント ブランド InvenSense 製品画像は代表的な製品を表示しています。 寸法 長さ(L) 3.00mm Nom. 幅(W) 3.00mm Nom. 厚み(T) 0.81mm Nom. 電気...
唯样商城为您提供TDK-InvenSense设计生产的EV_ICM-45605-S 元器件,主要参数为:,EV_ICM-45605-S库存充足,购买享优惠!
The ICM-45605 and ICM-45686 are dual interface device. ICM-45686 auxiliary interface has two functions, access sensor data through SPI slave interface and I²C master. ICM-45605 auxiliary interface has I²C master only. The dual Interface device is a superset of single interface device. Pl...
UpdateAlert Settings for:icm-45605-s Select Manufacturer Which Manufacturer of icm-45605-s would you like to use for your alert(s)? Inventory Alert Please alert me whenicm-45605-sinventory levels areor equal to a quantity offrom one of my selected distributors. ...
制造商编号 ICM-45605 制造商 TDK-InvenSense 唯样编号 A-ICM-45605 供货 自营 产品周期 量产中 无铅情况/RoHs 无铅/符合RoHs 描述 分享: 数据手册 PDF资料下载 暂无数据 参数信息 常见问题 参数有误? 技巧:勾选主要参数,留空一些可替代的参数,点击查看相似商品,即可快速找到替代品了! 参数参数值...