这次查询的网站:https://www.mathunion.org/icm-plenary-and-invited-speakers 手动统计,可能有缺漏。 先说一下结果:ENS Ulm累计有13人13人次,ENS Lyon累计有6人8人次(含1次一小时报告),ENS Paris-Saclay累计1人1人次,ENS Rennes暂无,École Polytechnique累计7人7人次。 ENS Ulm(Paris):https://www.math.e...
ICM 1970, Nice, France Plenary Speakers (1小时报告): Shiing-Shen Chern, University of California, Berkeley, USA 陈省身(南开本科,清华硕,Universitat Hamburg博) Invited Spearkers (45分钟报告): Kai Lai Chung, Stanford University, USA 钟开莱(清华本硕,Princeton博) Wu-Chung Hsiang, Yale University,...
In this article, we dive into assorted data sources to follow the footprints of women among the ICM invited speakers, analyzing their demographics and topic distributions, and providing glimpses into their diverse biographies.doi:10.1007/978-3-030-21170-7_5Mihaljevi, Helena...
In addition to presentations of high qual ity research, the program also included twelve invited plenary sessions with distinguished speakers. This volume, which gathers together selected papers read at the conference, is divided into four sections: (I) Foundations, Concepts, and Structure. (II...