ICM Essential CompetenciesCompetenceDelphiConsensusObjective: To obtain consensus amongst midwifery experts globally about the essential competencies for basic midwifery practice.Butler, Michelle M.Fullerton, Judith T.Aman, CherylDublin City Univ Fac Sci &Midwifery...
Examining the evidence for The International Confederation of Midwives' essential competencies for midwifery practice OBJECTIVE: to present the evidence for inclusion of selected midwifery tasks (skills) as essential practice competencies for midwives throughout the world... JT Fullerton,JB Thompson - 《...
ICM Essential CompetenciesCompetenceDelphiConsensusObjective: To obtain consensus amongst midwifery experts globally about the essential competencies for basic midwifery practice. Design: A modified Delphi approach, involving a three-round online survey. Participants: Midwifery leaders, educators and regulators ...
I205 UNFPA/ICM JOINT INVESTING IN MIDWIFERY PROGRAMME: MAKING STRIDES TO STRENGTHEN MIDWIFERY SKILLS AND COMPETENCIESdoi:10.1016/S0020-7292(12)60235-5LaskiL.Elsevier Ireland LtdInternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics