刚刚,ICLR 2025会议的论文盲审结果已经出了,其中平均分是4.76,最高分是9[1]。 而拿下最高的分的论文就是ControlNet作者的工作IC-Light,IC-Light共有4个审稿人审稿,其中两个审稿人直接给了满分(10分),而另外两个审稿人也给了高分(8分)[2]: ControlNet这个工作已经被大家熟知,它也获得ICCV 2023马尔奖(最佳...
前段时间在ICLR 2025刚放出来盲审意见的时候,我发过一篇文章小小将:IC-Light拿下ICLR审稿最高分,ControlNet作者可能再获一个Best Paper!。当时IC-Light在所有的论文中拿下最高分9分(4个审稿人的评分分别是10、10、8、8)。但这只是初审结果,ICLR的评分还会经过作者的rebuttal后改分,在审稿人改分后,现在IC-Ligh...
Reinforcement learning (RL) has been applied to build recommender systems (RS) to capture users' evolving preferences and continuously improve the quality of recommendations. In this paper, we propose a novel deep evidential reinforcement learning (DERL) framework that learns a more effective recommend...
This is the PyTorch implementation for ICLR 2023 paper "FLIP: A Provable Defense Framework for Backdoor Mitigation in Federated Learning". This paper also wins a Best Paper Award 🏆 at ECCV 2022 AROW Workshop. [openreview] | [arXiv] | [workshop slides] Requirements Python >= 3.7.10 PyT...
Talk | SIGGRAPH'23 Best Paper 秦颖思:分罗曼三维显示器—各点独立变焦显示技术 5698 4 32:44 App Talk | CoRL 2023 Oral 上海交通大学迮炎杰:通用机器人操作的视觉表征 4062 -- 30:45 App Talk | ICCV'23 Oral 满分论文:基于视觉的通用灵巧手抓取 738 -- 38:56 App Talk | 北京大学于博涵:Event...
3. **OctoCoder** (StarCoder) / **OctoGeeX** (CodeGeeX2): "OctoPack: Instruction Tuning Code Large Language Models" [2023-08] [[paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07124)] [[repo](https://github.com/bigcode-project/octopack)] 3. **OctoCoder** (StarCoder) / **OctoGeeX** (Cod...
Kaggle@ICLR 2023: ML Solutions in Africa Organizers include:Julia Elliott,Phil Culliton,Ray Harvey Facilitators:Julia Elliot,Walter Reade Reincarnating Reinforcement Learning(Reincarnating RL) Organizers include:Rishabh Agarwal,Ted Xiao,Max Schwarzer ...
Next, the paper proposes a two-model-based learning method to control both the prediction and the gradient error. The paper separates the different roles of these two models at the model learning phase and coordinates them...
Not really. One of the two best paper awards this year is for“Ordered neurons: Integrating tree structures into Recurrent Neural Networks.” (Shen et al.). Other than this paper and two on automata mentioned above, there are nine more papers on RNNs accepted this year, most of them dig...
https://www.facebook.com/pg/iclr.cc/videos/ 三篇Best Paper: On the convergence of Adam and Beyond Spherical CNNs Continuous adaptation via meta-learning in nonstationary and 作者简介 刘念宏,清华微电子硕士三年级,《大数据能力提升项目》学生,前清华大学学生大数据研究协会会长。