homes/xlang/Photos/iCloud --> /iCloud 1.选择文件夹docker/icloudpd/xlang,装载路径/config 2.选择文件夹homes/xlang/Photos/iCloud,装载路径/iCloud 如下图所示: 九、切换到【环境】设置栏,新增以下三个变量: TZ:CST-8 download_path:/iCloud 1. 必须,...
homes/xlang/Photos/iCloud --> /iCloud 1.选择文件夹docker/icloudpd/xlang,装载路径/config 2.选择文件夹homes/xlang/Photos/iCloud,装载路径/iCloud 如下图所示: 九、切换到【环境】设置栏,新增以下三个变量: TZ:CST-8 download_path:/iCloud 1. 必须,...
homes/xlang/Photos/iCloud --> /iCloud 1.选择文件夹docker/icloudpd/xlang,装载路径/config 2.选择文件夹homes/xlang/Photos/iCloud,装载路径/iCloud 如下图所示: 九、切换到【环境】设置栏,新增以下三个变量: TZ:CST-8 download_path:/iCloud 必须,输...
前往,然后登录你的 Apple 账户。 点按一个或多个照片或视频。要选择多个照片或视频,请按住 Command 键(在 Mac 上)或 Control 键(在 PC 上)。 点按右上角的下载按钮 。或者点按“更多”>“更多下载选项”以查看其他下载选项:“未修改的原片”(拍摄或导入时的格式)、“最高分辨率”(适用...
Part 2. How to Upload HEIC Photos to iCloud from PC On a PC, iCloud does not directly support uploading HEIC format files, so you can firstconvert HEIC files to JPEGformat to ensure compatibility before uploading to iCloud. Step 1. Convert HEIC Photos to JPEG/JPG/PNG via Coolmuster HEIC...
支持将HEIC文件转换为创建的JPG。 支持同步删除。 只需向TG聊天发送消息,容器就会接收并立即同步。 可以通过向TG bot发送消息来重新验证您的 cookie! 系统部署 本次部署使用的机器是绿联DXP4800 Plus,Cherry前面分别用DXP4800 Plus折腾了群晖、爱快、openwrt、win11等等AIO玩法。这里说一句,虽然UGOS pro出师不利,出现...
On Windows, downloading your photos in the JPG format via is ridiculously easy. Just initiate a download, and will convert HEIC files to the most compatible format (JPEG) for Windows before they even hit your PC. That is great for instances like if you run intoissue...
Super fast for uploading, and 100 4k photos are transferred in 8s only; Auto convert HEIC iPhone photos into JPG with the same quality and small file size; Selectively or full backup all camera roll to computer, bulk delete iPhone photos, add them back freely ...
Online HEIC Converter Convert multiple HEIC photos to JPG format Fix iOS 18 Problems Learn Use Dr.Fone Better User Guide Video Tutorial Download Center Contact Us Trending Topics Remove iCloud Activation Lock Without Password! How To Unlock Samsung ...
However, on my new PC, iCloud for Windows does not automatically download my photos and videos to my PC. It shows them available in the cloud until I tap on them to download them. When I download them, the majority are in HEIC file format instead of jpg. I don't see any explanation...