使用Windows 版 iCloud,你可以在 Windows PC 上访问你的照片、视频、邮件、日历、文件和其他重要信息。从Microsoft Store 下载 Windows 版 iCloud了解可以搭配 Windows 版 iCloud 使用的各种功能。某些功能需要使用最新版 Windows 10 或更高版本。Windows 版 iCloud 不支持管理式 Apple 账户。
iCloud Win11同步极其慢的解决 目前官网iCloudfor Windows程序不提供直接下载,只有从Microsoft Store安装,安装后的版本是14.2或者15,使用过程中经常发现文件变更后,等到关机了也没有及时上传,导致在另外电脑获取不到最新的文件,甚至造成版本的冲突。 打开iCloud看到文件一直停留在上传或者下载状态,看不到进度条,在资源管...
iCloud for Windows 10 S Operating System: Windows 10 S Mode Have downloaded the iCloud for Windows app using the Windows Store link (not direct link downloaded from the iCloud website), have installed the app and logged into the icloud and everything is syncing away and working. However,...
Feb 14, 2023 7:54 AM in response to herreraj69 Try https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/overview-of-outlook-e-mail-profiles-9073a8ac-c3d6-421d-b5b9-fcedff7642fc. You need the Mail icon in the Control Panel to manage profiles and set a default profiles. tt2 Reply User pro...
借助“照片”App 和 USB 连接线,你可以将照片和视频传输到电脑。你还可以借助“iCloud 照片”,让你的照片可供你在所有设备上查看。 使用“iCloud 照片” 导入到 Mac 导入到 Windows PC 使用“iCloud 照片” “iCloud 照片”能够安全地保存你的照片和视频,让它们保持最新状态,并自动显示在你的所有 Apple 设备...
登录iCloud 访问照片、邮件、备忘录、文稿等。通过 Apple 账户登录,或者创建新账户以开始使用 Apple 服务。
I have a WIndows 11 laptop (with latest updates applied), have a Microsoft account and am using Outlook desktop, version Microsoft® Outlook® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2403 Build 16.0.17425.20176) 64-bit SO I am using Office 365 and it seems that MSO means its a subscripti...
以下用户的用户个人资料: BG4DVI BG4DVI 用户级别:级别 1 39 积分
my icloud for windows outlook has stoped giving me the option to sync contcts and calanders please help
for me :(OS is windows 11 and icloud version is 13.4 (latest on MS store). when i login and open icloud app "Contacts and Calendar" check box appears for a second but when app fully get loaded it completely disappears. and in response icloud calendar in outlook is also ...