Sick fish, hospital tanks, catching fish, treating fish, dead fish……… I stopped at one of your test sites 9 months ago and they made arrangements to get me some of your medication. WOW! I could not believe my eyes, after one week of treatment in a tank with 3 different diseases...
抗小鼠ICK,豚鼠源 品牌:FUJIFILM Wako CAS No.: 储存条件:-20℃ 纯度:– 产品编号 (生产商编号) 等级规格运输包装零售价(RMB)库存情况参考值 015-26431 免疫化学用50 ul– –– * 干冰运输、大包装及大批量的产品需酌情添加运输费用 * 零售价、促销产品折扣、运输费用、库存情况、产品及包装规格可能因各种原...