[15] After training in the Dangai, Ichigo's hair grows considerably, and he is noticeably taller, as stated by his friends.[16] After Ichigo loses his Shinigami powers, his appearance reverts to the way it was before his Dangai training.[17] Ichigo's new Shinigami uniform....
After Ichigo loses his Shinigami powers, his appearance reverts to the way it was before his Dangai training.Afterwards, Ichigo returns to Nimaiya's palace, where he chooses an Asauchi who resembles Ichigo's inner Hollow.Traveling to Nimaiya's forge, Ichigo watches as Nimaiya's bodyguards ...
The defeat and imprisonment ofSōsuke Aizenleft Ichigo without his powers and departed from his allies from Soul Society. During this time, he learned to utilize the ability known as Fullbring fromKūgo Ginjō, the leader ofXcution, but said ability would be stolen from him when Kūgo revealed ...