Well then, I hope you enjoyed this arrangement because I have always wanted to play the full version of Ichiban no Takaramono, one of my favorite songs. It's... such an incredibly emotional song and I always get teary eyes if I hear the legendary live version performed by LiSA. Once ag...
乐谱名:Ichiban No Takaramono 作曲:暂无 歌手:Lisa 音轨数:6 乐谱类型:未知 乐谱《Ichiban No Takaramono》由琴友【ColdHeart】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【下架此谱】或【与制谱者分享权益】。 上一首 下一首 尼龙吉他...
Well then, I hope you enjoyed this arrangement because I have always wanted to play the full version of Ichiban no Takaramono, one of my favorite songs. It's... such an incredibly emotional song and I always get teary eyes if I hear the legendary live version performed by LiSA.Once ...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Animenz演唱的高清音质无损Ichiban no takaramono(一番の宝物) - Angel Beats! OSTmp3在线听,听Ichiban no takaramono(一番の宝物) - Angel Beats! OST,只来酷狗音乐!