RACF 消息 ICH408I: 具有示例的说明 第一行消息ICH408I标识存在授权问题的用户。 消息的其他行描述了用户发出的请求以及失败原因。 考虑以下示例: ICH408I USER(JONES ) GROUP(DEPT60 ) NAME(M.M.JONES ) ICH408I FLA32 CL(FCICSFCT) ICH408I INSUFFICIENT ACCESS AUTHORITY ICH408I FROM F%A* (G) ICH...
DEFINE - RESOURCE ALREADY DEFINED Explanation This error occurs when RACF® detects an unauthorized attempt to define a RACF-protected resource; for example, by way of RDEFINE for a general resource or ADDSD for a data set.System action...
佛陀成道后第十年,也即佛陀四十五岁那年,佛陀在优陀南国首都一带行化。在这里,佛陀遭到一伙流氓的恶骂,这是任何一个圣人都没有遭受过的辱骂。 佛陀,这位伟大的圣者,对于那些对自己恶毒的辱骂者,不但毫无恨意,反而把他们当成自己的好兄弟,施予无限的慈爱之心,将其感化,使他们认识到自己的错误,从罪恶之中走了出...
佛陀成道后第十年,也即佛陀四十五岁那年,佛陀在优陀南国首都一带行化。在这里,佛陀遭到一伙流氓的恶骂,这是任何一个圣人都没有遭受过的辱骂。 佛陀,这位伟大的圣者,对于那些对自己恶毒的辱骂者,不但毫无恨意,反而把他们当成自己的好兄弟,施予无限的慈爱之心,将其感化,使他们认识到自己的错误,从罪恶之中走了出...
the "ACCESS INTENT ...ACCESS ALLOWED..." portion of ICH408I is not displayed. This most likely indicates that a release level mismatch exists among nodes in a SYSPLEX. For example, if an ACL is created for a file by an uplevel node, access attempts to this file from a downlevel node...
Why am I receiving message ICH408I with OMVS segment incompletely defined and DFHKE0501 with return code X'0000009C' and return reason of X'0B0C00FA' from the set_dub_default service-routine when starting my CICS region? This started occurring after upg
OMVS SEGMENT INCOMPLETELY DEFINED Explanation An attempt was made to dub a process and the OMVS segment in the current user's USER profile has no z/OS® UNIX user identifier (UID) assigned or the profile for either the user's current connect group or the user's default group does not ...
LOGON/JOB INITIATION - WARNING: INSUFFICIENT SECURITY LABEL AUTHORITY Explanation This error occurs when a user is logging on or a batch job is being initiated, and RACF® detects an unauthorized attempt to access a resource that has a security label associated with it. It is issued when ...
OMVS SEGMENT NOT DEFINED Explanation This error occurs when an attempt is made to dub a process and the current user's USER profile cannot be found in the RACF® database or the profile has no OMVS segment. System action RACF returns an error return code to the invoking system function,...