ICH-GCP中英文对照(完整)对试验相关活动和文件进行系统和独立的监察以判定试验的实施和数据的记录分析与报告是否符合试验方案申办者的标准操作程序sop临床试验管理规范gcp以及适用的管理要求 ICH-GCP中英文对照(完整) ICH 三方协调指导原则E6 ICH GCP指导原则 INTRODUCTION 前言 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an ...
ICH-GCP中英文对照(完整)ICH 三方协调指导原则E6 ICH GCP指导原则INTRODUCTION 前言 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects. Compliance with this standard...
1、 ICH 三方协调指导原则 E6 ICH GCP指导原则INTRODUCTION 前言Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects. Compliance with this standard provides public ...
gcpich中英文稽查对照medicinal ICH三方协调指导原则E6ICHGCP指导原则INTRODUCTION前言GoodClinicalPractice(GCP)isaninternationalethicalandscientificqualitystandardfordesigning,conducting,recordingandreportingtrialsthatinvolvetheparticipationofhumansubjects。Compliancewiththisstandardprovidespublicassurancethattherights,safetyandwell...
ICH 三方协调指导原则 E6 ICH GCP指导原则 INTRODUCTION 前言Good Clinical Practice GCP is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing conducting recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subject
法规|ICH-GCP中英文对照(完整版) 2022 07/08 法迈新媒体 媒体 + 分享 法迈新媒体 A- A+ 指导原则分享 【免责声明】文章为网络整理,不代表“法迈医讯”立场。如因作品内容、版权等存在问题,请于本文刊发30日内联系法迈医讯进行删除或洽谈版权使用事宜。 本文由“健康号”用户上传、授权发布,以上内容(含...
ICH-GCP中英文对照(完整版) 作者:行舟Drug 发布于:2019-08-15 03:10 雪球 转发:1 回复:0 喜欢:2 点击上方的 行舟Drug ▲ 添加关注 文章信息源于公众号临床 CRA CRC,登载该文章目的为更广泛的传递行业信息,不代表赞同其观点或对其真实性负责。文章版权归原作者及原出处所有,文章内容仅供参考。本网拥有对此...
ICH 三方协调指导原则 E6 ICH GCP 指导原则 INTRODUCTION 前言 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects. Compliance with this standard provides public assu...