Data use is subject to the access and publication polices of the source. Distribution of the data is subject to ICGC Trusted Partner Approval. More information on terms of use is available at Documentation ...
建立一套在共享科学数据的同时也能够保护患者隐 私的机制十分重要, 一个海外委员会国际数据管理 委员会(International Data Access Committee, IDAC) 将监督DACO工作并协助解决沟通和技术问题. 截至 2014年5月, DACO已经配准了497位研究者/研究团 队申请使用ICGC的数据....
The data for ICGC resides in many data repositories around the world. These repositories each have their own environment (public cloud, private cloud, on-premise file systems, etc.), access controls (DACO, OAuth, asymmetric keys, IP filtering), download clients and configuration mechanisms. Thus...