因为如果打开了,ICG就由边沿触发check变成电平触发check,采集到亚稳态的概率增大,可能导致clock信号不稳定,影响电路状态。 在INNOVUS中怎么打开ICG timing check的timing borrow:
因为如果打开了,ICG就由边沿触发check变成电平触发check,采集到亚稳态的概率增大,可能导致clock信号不稳定,影响电路状态。 在INNOVUS中怎么打开ICG timing check的timing borrow:
因为如果打开了,ICG就由边沿触发check变成电平触发check,采集到亚稳态的概率增大,可能导致clock信号不稳定,影响电路状态。 在INNOVUS中怎么打开ICG timing check的timing borrow: END
3. set_clock_gating_check set_clock_gating_check before 'Place' to add margin for compensating the latency of ICG cell in clock tree. remove_clock_gating_check after CTS for using the value of gating check in library instead of ICG timing check by tool....
(2)与此同时,EDA工具也提供命令来收紧ICG的timing constraint来迫使工具来优化这些path,比如set_clock_gating_check命令。 另外,CTS工具会对其做clone、declone操作。 ICG cell Clone: 受相同ICG cell控制的时序单元较多或者分布不均匀时,就会导致ICG cell连线过长,这时可通过clone ICG cell进行优化; ...
在place之前 :set_clock_gating_check 在CTS之后 :reset_clock_gating_check为default 注:CTS之前设clock gating check为了弥补clock tree, ICG cell的latency较短,所以加一些余量。CTS之后remove_clock_gating_check并不是不让tool做ICG timing check,而是用library的gating check的值。
针对这种现象,在实际设计中,我们可能会考虑将出现setup violation的ICG尽量放在sin DFF附近以减小skew。与此同时,EDA工具也提供命令来收紧ICG的timing constraint来迫使工具来优化这些path,比如set_clock_gating_check命令。 往期问题答案: fix hold violations时,插入buffer或者delay cell的位置,是靠近launch端还是capture端...
同步数字电路中的Path主流还是用寄存器,但是锁存器(Latch)相关的Path也不容忽视,它既能用作数据存储单元,又能作为时钟控制单元。这一篇就讲讲Latch的功能,相关的Timing Path如何分析,其中也会涉及到time borrowing, lockup, clock gating check等概念。
multidisciplinary evaluation and were selected for the SADI-S procedure via a laparoscopic approach. The ICG dose and timing were as recommended in the International Society for Fluorescence Guided Surgery guidelines. For arteriography, 3 ml (7.5 mg) was used, and the detection time was 30-60 s...
Stern knew upfront that he would be adding painterly touches to the look during digital intermediate timing sessions with Jill Bogdanowicz at Technicolor in Los Angeles. She observes, “This was our seventh film together. Tom would start a sentence and I could finish it. It all begins with ...