The ICF: applications of the WHO model of functioning, disability and health to brain injury rehabilitation. NeuroRehabilita- tion. 2003;18:239 -250.Bilbao A, Kennedy C, Chatterji S, Ustun B. The ICF: Applications of the WHO model of functioning, disability and health to ...
An integrated evaluation of impairment of function, limitation of activity & participation restriction and environment based on ICF functions can represent the true status of disability. The % of impairment and % of limitation of activity & participation restriction is averaged to represent % of ...
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: a unifying model for the conceptual description of physical and rehabilitation medi... (2007). The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: A unifying model for the conceptual description of physical and reha...
The International Classification of Functioning advocates the use of a multifactorial and multifaceted model of disability, which is beginning to be used in epidemiological and clinical research. Data on disability patterns assessed by means of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II...
This Privacy Statement applies to the webpages, intranet pages, mobile applications, features, widgets, online services, electronic mail, and related content owned, operated, or controlled by ICF International, Inc. and its affiliates, subsidiaries, trus
ICFRehab-Cycle Rehabilitationaimstoenablepeoplewithhealthconditionsexperiencingorlikelytoexperiencedisabilitytoachieveandmaintainoptimalfunctioningininteractionwiththeenvironment.StuckiG,MelvinJ.TheICF:AunifyingmodelfortheconceptualdescriptionofPhysicalandrehabilitationMedicine.JRehabilMed2007;39:286-291 ICFresearchbranch ...
complexity and many-faceted nature of SCI is provided by the World Health Orga- nization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).2 The ICF is based on an integrative bio-psycho-social model and serves as a reference for the description and understanding of ...
Mapping of the National Spinal Cord Injury Model System (SCIMS) Database (NSCID) to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). To link the content of the latest two versions of the NSCID to the ICF; more specifically (1
The Swiss Cheese Model of Safety. When it comes to vaccine hesitancy and autoimmune disease, I’ve found that the “swiss cheese” model helps explain where I’ve been in terms of this pandemic, and where I’m going. The model goes something like this: ...