Energy efficient buildings save you money Natural ICF helps you decrease your carbon footprint too. Ideal for do it yourself (DIY) home builders Faswall® blocks are dry stacked - no mortar needed! Walls or Foundations. No special tools required! Use wood saws and other tools on Faswall...
ICF Specialist is Arizona’s Leading ICF Installer for over 17+ Years. We work closely with builders and contractors of all sizes to complete the ICF installation for your commercial and residential builds. Providing an alternative building method that s
Building ICF Sturctures & Relations in Central Alberta "Awesome guys to deal with. Supplied me with blocks many times and have always had good experiences." Jason V. "All kinds of help with my project and they had all the product on hand, very easy to deal with." Tim V.R. We ...
ICF blocks as exterior walls provide such great natural insulation that the temperature is typically stable throughout the entire structure. You’ll notice no hot or cold spots as you move from room to room, and it can take hours for an ICF home to lose heating and cooling. An Unassailable...
Want to build a high-performance foundation home or building? Keep it simple with this ingenious hybrid ICF system!
10 Steps for Building a Home with Insulated Concrete Form Blocks An ICF home, like one built with Fox Blocks, provides many of the essential features that today’s homeowner is looking for: excellent indoor environmental quality (IEQ), ener...
Insulating concrete forms (ICFs) are an advanced system for building both a home's foundation and above-grade exterior walls. ICF's are Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam blocks that stack together to act as a hollow wall with ready-mix concrete poured in between to build reinforced concrete wall...
Warmer, Safer, Quieter, Faster, Healthier, and Saves you Money when building a house with Fox! Contact us for one of our local 25+ Stocking Dealers, Local Contractor, Architect or Tech support . Use Fox blocks icfs in your basements and house plans when building a house . Making house ...
We chose Amvic™ ICF because their 6” web spacing is superior to other blocks we have examined and helpful for the pace at which we like to pour a large building. — Ellis Coleman, EYC Companies View Project We like the Amvic™ ICF block for several reasons: ease of assembly, read...
or homeowner. The complications to building a tornado-proof wood-framed home involves expensive support brackets, anchors, additional materials, and labor for the installation. An ICF build exceeds all that with one simple insulated block, with either a 6-inch or 8-inch core of reinforced concret...