21 应该是的,我用geometry里面的建立拓补,然后点击OK,再划分网格,突然就好了。。。你设置的容差是...
Error: your geometry has a hole #1 Mujahid New Member endeavor Join Date: Nov 2020 Posts: 10 Rep Power: 6 While doing volume meshing an error pop-up is shown that geometry has a hole. I even tried to close the hole or mesh with edges but the re-meshing is failing. How can I...
现在还有一个问题 就是划分非机构网格时提示geometry has a hole是怎么回事?不知道您遇到过没有.....
祝你找到方法,好运 发自小木虫Android客户端
ICEM画网格出现"..我做的是导叶式多管旋风分离器的网格划分,要读取单管入口和出口的数据,在ICEM中就设置了interface,但是网格计算快结束的时候出现“your geometry has a hole, do yo
ICEM划分网格提示geometry has a hole这是啥原因? Oi, cunt 8-6 10 为什么我在spaceclaim画的模型是这样子 导入到icem就 chairong7 为什么我在spaceclaim画的模型是这样子 导入到icem就变成这样了 贴吧用户_... 8-5 2 两圆柱相贯+结构化网格划分 月下壹人醉 各位大神,有如下几何体,上方圆柱直径...
模型有黄色的洞我做的是导叶式多管旋风分离器的网格划分,要读取单管入口和出口的数据,在ICEM中就设置了interface,但是网格计算快结束的时候出现“your geometry has a hole, do you want to repair it”,然后在模型上面就会出现多个黄色的洞。而在最初的几何修复时并未出现黄线,不设置interface模型可以画出网格,...
创建体 2 的两个基点分别取在上 冠和下环上 ,由这两个基点生成 的质心点的位置在 上冠的上侧.用适 用性强 的 Tetra/mixed 网格类型 划分网格L9] ,其结果弹出有洞提示对话框. 2.2 有洞现象剖析 相信大多数 ICEM 的使用者在 网格化分中看 到“Your geometrY has a hole,do you want to re- pair it...
software products and documentation are furnished by ANSYS, Inc., its subsidiaries, or affiliates under a software license agreement that contains provisions concerning non-disclosure, copying, length and nature of use, compliance with exporting laws, warr es, disclaimers, limitations of liability, ...