The meaning of ICELAND is island between the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Greenland and just south of the Arctic Circle; a republic, formerly (1380—1918) belonging to Denmark, later (1918—44) an independent kingdom in personal union
Iceland was first inhabited in the late 9th and 10th centuries. The Norse were the main migrants to move to the island, and in 930 CE, Iceland's governing body created a constitution and an assembly. The assembly was called the Althingi. Following the creation of its constitution, Iceland ...
The first settlers of the island were fugitives from Norway who found their way to this distant spot in the ninth century.Although 5000 square miles out of the total of Iceland's 40,000 are perpetually covered with glaciers and snowfields, and only one-fourteenth of the island is really ...
a large island in the northern Atlantic between Greenland and Scandinavia. 39,698 square miles (102,820 square kilometers). a republic including this island and several smaller islands: formerly Danish; independent since 1944. : Reykjavik. ...
Iceland is an area belonging the continent of Europe. It is a Republic with approx. 309,000 m inhabitants. The population density is about 5 persons per square mile and the officialLanguage isIcelandic. Iceland spreads over an area of about 63,963 square miles with Reykjavík as capital. The...
Iceland is a large island in the North Atlantic, close to the Arctic Circle, and comprises an area of about 103,000 square kilometres (39,758 square miles), with its extreme northern point (the Rifstangi) lying in latitude 66° 32′ north, and its most southerly point (Dyrhólaey, ...
Join a package tour from Reykjavik, or meet us at select locations in North Iceland and join some of our activity or sightseeing tours in the area.
An island republic, the Republic of Iceland lies just south of the Arctic Circle in the North Atlantic Ocean about 162 n miles southeast of Greenland and 432 n miles northwest of Scotland. With an area of 39,769 square miles, the country has a 2,695 n mile coastline. Reykjavik is the...
Iceland is an island in the Atlantic Ocean. It is around the same size as Hungary and Portugal, or Kentucky and Virginia, and is an island of 103,000 km2 (40,000 square miles). Following Great Britain, Iceland is the second-largest island in Europe and the 18th-largest island in the ...