在下面的Web跟踪器系统中输入ICEGATE发货单跟踪号,以在线跟踪和跟踪您的ICES进出口集装箱,航空货物,单据,发货交货状态详细信息。 ICEGATE Shipping Bill客户服务联系方式: - 电话号码:1800-3010-1000 电子邮件ID:icegatehelpdesk@icegate.gov.in 其他类似的信使,您可能想跟踪: - ...
3. What is the procedure to check the status of all the Bill of Entry documents filed at ICEGATE against a particular PAN No.? 1. Login to the ICEGATE website. 2. Click on "CB Wise Daily Summary". 3. Click on "Bill of Entry" link and enter the PAN No. ...