射手座 Mango Dragonfruit Starbucks Refresher 火龙果冰摇沁爽饮 咖啡因是同容量拿铁的一半,没有咖啡味,但拥有咖啡因的萃取液,和一般咖啡一样具有提神的效果。加上水果轻爽风味,和爽朗又充满活力的射手座如出一辙。 天秤座 Flat White with Signature Espresso 馥列白咖啡 介于拿铁与卡布奇诺之间,有卡布奇诺的双倍浓...
馥列白义式浓缩特调(Flat White With Signature Espresso) 温和公正的天秤座,最适合味道浓醇的馥列白咖啡。 天蝎座Scorpio(10/24-11/22) 义式浓缩(Espresso Shot) 爱恨分明的天蝎座,适合强烈的浓缩咖啡。 射手座Sagittarius(11/23-12/22) 芒果火龙果星巴克特调(Mango Dragon Fruit Starbucks Refresher) 热情、...
交学费能用dollar?吗?刚回国不太适应??也不知道学校附近有没有Starbucks??每天早上不来一杯Iced Americano我就feel very terrible?瑞幸也勉强OK?刚刚爸妈说每个月只给我3个达不溜?也不知道enough不enough?一出门... 分享42 坎特伯雷大学吧 荨snow 详解新西兰一年制PGD的优势新西兰的PGD,全称是Post graduate Diploma,...
Who needs Starbucks? 😉 Reply christey on 6/10/08 at 7:03 pm oh that looks sooo good! I have never bought cafe du monde, but peter took me there when i took him to new orleans for his birthday (7 days before Katrina hit, go figure) and i LOVED their coffee (and their (...