Icecream Ebook Reader2. Calibre3. NaturalReader4. Balabolka5. Voice Dream Reader6. TTSReader7. eReader Prestigio8. Reedy9. Mantano Ebook使用電子書閱讀器應用程式的理由貼士最佳文字轉語音書籍閱讀器:摘要 不是每個人都有時間坐在電軍面前安靜地閱讀書籍。使用文字轉語音書籍閱讀器,這樣的程式將會為你朗讀...
In this article we have reviewed the most convenient text to speech readers. Listen to your articles, stories and more with our text to speech reader!
如若本站内容侵犯了原著者的合法权益,可联系我们进行处理。 Icecream Ebook Reader 上一篇 Android WiFi连接管理器v1.7.0无广告 下一篇 windows开源批量视频转换工具FFmpeg Batch AV Converter v3.0.3 x64 中文多语言免费版
軟體簡介: 版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本 Icecream Ebook Reader(冰淇淋電子書閱讀器)是一款電子書閱讀器,支援閱讀的格式包括EPUB,DJVU,MOBI等常見電子書格式,能夠以數位圖書館的方式管理電子書,還可以讓你添加在線的電子書庫,無需打開瀏覽器也可以在線上的更新的電子書,並可以收藏起來下次閱讀。冰淇淋電子書閱讀器還...
Icecream Ebook Reader is a versatile EPUB reader that will make enjoying your favorite eBooks on your PC easy and enjoyable. You will be able to read your chosen eBooks in EPUB, MOBI, FB2, PDF as well as other popular formats.
About Icecream Ebook Reader Icecream Ebook Reader is a great software that allows you to organize, store and read e-books on your computer. It deals with books in common e-book formats (EPUB, FB2, PDF, CBR, CBZ, and MOBI) and gives you the best reading experience. Icecream Ebook Reader...
the popular formats are supported, like MP4, AVI, MKV, 3GP, WMV, MOV, M4V, MPG, M2TS, MTS, etc. It also has device presets for those times when you are unsure of the format and resolution of the output file. The built-in presets include iPad, iPhone, Android, and PS5, among ...
Icecream Video Converter for Windows 11/10 The freeware offers format-specific, as well as device-specific conversion. It shows support for many devices including iPad, iPod, Android Phones, Blackberry, PlayStation, Xbox, etc. So if you are looking for a video converter for any of your old...
Icecream Apps 的螢幕錄影機使您能夠捕獲視頻並截取整個螢幕或特定區域的屏幕截圖。在Windows,Mac和Android上錄製螢幕。自由。
此修圖軟體也有 iOS 和 Android 裝置的應用程式版本。 優點: 在不損失質量的情況下,以各式流行的檔案格式(如 JPEG、PNG 和 WebP)匯出編輯後的圖像。 強大、易於使用的影像編輯器提供多種工具,包括裁剪、調整大小、色彩修改、濾鏡、效果、文本疊加等等。 可以按一下按鈕在社交媒體上分享圖像。 缺點: 介面對新...