One great icebreaker game that works well with Christian groups is If I Were. The group simply takes turns saying statements that begin with “If I were . . .” For example, “If I were a flower, I would be a daisy, because it is simple and pretty.” Some other categories are, “...
These icebreakers can be used generically on the above topics, suitable for any group. But with the Christian Edition you also have the option to "Take it Spiritual." Many lessons have additional ideas that are based upon Christian themes and stories. Every one of the icebreakers also include...
13 Perfect Icebreaker for Youth Groups 14 Best Christian Icebreaker Games & Questions 19 Fun Getting-To-Know You Icebreaker Games Who Am I? Game Questions & Ideas
The same over-priced, over-used, clichéd Icebreaker game ideas - the only difference is these icebreakers cost more - and many of them are unsuitable for a Christian group. Big promises, small delivery, poor outcomes. So now it’s the last minute and you decide to dredge out one of th...
Ice Breakers for Small Groups Ice Breakers for Large Groups Icebreakers to Spark Conversation Icebreakers for Creative Thinking Encourage Team Members with Our Fun Icebreakers What is the Purpose of Ice Breaker Games? Meeting icebreakers often get a bad reputation for being cheesy or awkward, but...
Team Building Activities, Ice breakers and games for groups Welcome toYouth Group Games! We have a huge collection of over 200 Team Building games, 'Get to Know You' activities and Ice Breakers. We have categorized them to help you find exactly what you need. Whether you are a Youth Pasto...
Breaking into Groups As you play, take note of those options where the groups were almost equal in size. Later if you want to break the participants up into two groups, use those identifiers to split them up. Take It to the Next Level ...
and then sit down. This continues with groups of three until the end of the row. The last five people are the foam. When the wave gets to this group, these five students put their hands in the direction the wave is going while making a crashing sound. Thus, the wave ends with foam...