Game is over. 5.People Bingo: works with just about any group. 1.Design a bingo sheet. 2. Fill each square with a fact that might describe someone in the group. 3. All participants then go around talking to their peers with the hope of finding people who these statements describe. (...
Number of people: 8-15, which is the principle of group number. Prop: no. Venue: can let everybody sit round and sit down, long bar table also can. The rules of the game: 1. The number off, clockwise from a person when to report for duty or seven times seven, the person to ...
快问快答Rapid Fire Q&A Create a trivia game with questions related to the team's industry, comp...
英语课破冰游戏-icebreaking-game英语课破冰游戏-icebreaking-game英语课破冰游戏-icebreaking-gamexxx公司英语课破冰游戏-icebreaking-game文件编号:文件日期:修订次数:第1.0次更改批准审核制定方案设计,管理制度StartSHAPEDoyouhaveapet?Whatisyourshoesize?Doyoulikesports AllAboutYou!What’syourname? Howtallareyou?Go...
Revelation: the game can active atmosphere, break the deadlock, accelerate the understanding between students, let volunteers as soon as possible Let their familiar, know each others name, is applied to the new volunteers to know each other very well. 4. Left and right protection: game method...
英语课破冰游戏-icebreaking game。Start What’s your name? How old are you? Do you have a pet? What is your shoe size? Do you like s Start What’s your name? How old are you? Do you have a pet? What is your shoe size? Do you like sports? How tall are you? Go back 2 ...
网络破冰游戏 网络释义 1. 破冰游戏 2012暑假第三... ... Design an airplane company 设计一个航空公司Ice breaking game破冰游戏Hobbies and interests 兴趣爱 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于81个网页 例句
文档之家?可直接使用英语课破冰游戏icebreakinggamedoc (可直接使用)英语课破冰游戏-icebreakinggame.doc Start Do you have a pet? What is your shoe size? Do you like sports? All About You! What’s your name?How tall are you? Go back 2 Are you more happy or sad? Do you want children ...
2 Areyoumorehappyorsad? Doyouwantchildreninthefuture? Areyouoftensick? RollBack Howoldareyou? REST Doyouhaveyourownroom? Trade places Whatisyourweakpoint? REST Whatisyourstrongpoint? Areyouquietorloud? Whatisyourfavoriteband? REST REST Whatareyourhobbies? What’syourfavoritecolor? Doyouhaveanmp3pl...