反应的平衡常数是根据其反应物和生成物的平衡浓度 (或压力) 计算得出的。 如果已知这些浓度,计算结果只是将其替换为 KC 表达式。 例如,根据该方程,气体二氧化氮形成二氧化丁氮氧化物: 当在25 °C 条件下将 0.10 mol NO2 添加到 1.0-L 瓶中时,浓度会发生变化,因此在平衡状态下, [NO2] = 0.016 M , ...
[iso-+Greektopos,place(socalledbecausetheisotopesof achemicalelementoccupythesamepositionintheperiodictableofelements).] i′so·top′ic(-tŏp′ĭk)adj. i′so·top′i·cal·lyadv. AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHoughtonMifflinHarcourtPublishingCompany.Pub...
ASi has not previously been identified and char- acterized in any natural water SPM using HR-TEM. Amorphous and poorly crystalline nanoparticulate silica was common in all SPM and iceberg debris analysed (Fig. 3). The ASi denudation rate of 436,000 kg Si km À 2 year À 1 (Table 1...
Table 1. Parameters having an influence over the material final properties. The parameters studied herein are in bold. Formulation H2O/Al ratio Acid/Al ratio Acid source Surfactant/Al ratio Surfactant source Alumina source Synthesis Temperature Peptization duration Ageing duration Ice-Templating Freezing...
in the 3D refinement step. The resolution (2.2 Å) was determined using Fourier shell correlation (FSC) = 0.143 as the cut-off criterion, and the final particle number used here is 260,390 (Supplementary Table2). The Figures showing structural detail were generated in UCSF Chimera...
Crit. Table 5:216 (1929). Google Scholar J. Klinger,J. Glaciol. 14:517 (1975). Google Scholar J. W. Dean and K. D. Timmerhaus,Adv. Cryogen. Eng. 8:263 (1963). Google Scholar H. C. Dickinson and N. S. Osborne,Bull. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) 12:49 (1915). Google ...
subsurface liquid oceans on these moons, the products of such chemical reactions and processes are of great interest to the astrobiology community. The global flux of incoming energetic charged projectiles for each of the Galilean moons, as given by Johnson et al. (2004), is shown in Table1....
2, Supplementary Table 3). Present-day fluxes of Fe from the Greenland Ice Sheet are on a par with those associated with atmospheric dust to the North Atlantic54 and Fe associated with Antarctic icebergs exceeds fluxes via aeolian dust to the Southern Ocean by three orders of magnitude61...
In Supplementary Table 1, we present a systematic and general analysis of the various possible crystallographic subgroups of the P42/nmc space group of ice VI. This shows that the increase of the unit cell to a √2 × √2 × 1 supercell is quite frequently encountered. Here, a ...
Nano Res. Electronic Supplementary Material Ice-templated preparation and sodium storage of ultrasmall SnO2 nanoparticles embedded in three- dimensional graphene Longkai Pei, Qi Jin, Zhiqiang Zhu, Qing Zhao, Jing Liang, and Jun Chen () Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy Materials Chemistry (...