The main aim of this study was to determine the seasonal variations in the abundance and species composition of ciliates, rotifers and crustaceans during the ice-covered and ice-free periods (spring, summer, autumn) in the Łuczański Canal (The Great Masurian Lakes system, Poland). During th...
Although Grímsvötn is one of the largest modern subglacial lakes known to drain, it is dwarfed by Late Quaternaryjökulhlaupsfromglacial LakeMissoula, which drained over 2000km3of water within just a few days. The release of water from sub- or englacial pockets has also been invoked as ...
Rott H (1988) Some aspects of the seasonal distribution of flagellates in mountain lakes. Hydrobiologia 161:159–170 Google Scholar Rott H (1993) The glaciers of Europe – glaciers of the Alps. The Austrian Alps. In: Williams Jr RS, Ferrigno JG (eds) Satellite Image Atlas of glaciers of...
but due to the expected coupling of carbon sources, a purely pelagic food web [13] cannot be expected in relative small, shallow lakes as the selected one.
In Sweden the winter of 2010 was unusual cold with a prolonged ice and snow cover on lakes and rivers. This could lead to diminishing oxygen content in shallow eutrophic lakes, especially in the deep areas and subsequently to release of phosphorousNW Smidt...
09 - Gourmand Land ~ Glacier Cocktail 10 - Gourmand Land ~ Frozen Paradise 11 - Gourmand Land ~ Waiting for the Waiter 12 - Gourmand Land ~ Hellish Paradise 13 - Luscious Lakes ~ The Dragon Chef's Belly 14 - Gourmand Land ~ Breaking the Ice 15 - Desert of Dijiridoos ~ First Staffs...
Introduction The youngest and highest Himalayan mountains sustain enormous fresh water reservoirs in the form of snow, glaciers, natural lakes, permafrost and wetlands, and support a population of ~1.3 billion1. In fact, the Hindu Kush-Himalaya (HKH) harbors ~50% (by area)1of all the glaciers...
Very large meltwater volumes may be released to the bed via moulins following supraglacial lake drainage (Bartholomew et al., 2011) and from subglacial lakes (Livingstone et al., 2022). Where the volume of fluid entering subglacial cavities and conduits cannot be accommodated by channel growth ...
clean accessing to subglacial lakes. During drilling, hot water is pumped at high pressure through a drill hose to a nozzle that jets hot water to melt the ice. The water from the nozzle uses the melted hole as the return conduit and then, at the surface, it usually reuses by the hot...
On Earth, this feature is routinely used in the identification of subglacial lakes (see e.g., Palmer et al. 2013). While liquid water is not expected to be present on an MBC, radar would be useful in identifying rock and ice layers. The radar reflection coefficient of a surface is ...