The meaning of ICE-CREAM is of a color similar to that of vanilla ice cream. How to use ice-cream in a sentence.
ice cream n. 1.A sweet, smooth, frozen dessert made from dairy products such as cream or milk, sugar or other sweeteners, and flavorings. 2.A serving of this dessert:At the ball game, I bought an ice cream. ice′-cream′adj. ...
1744, earliericed cream(1680s), "a confection made by congealing variously flavored cream or custard in a vessel surrounded with a freezing-mixture," fromice(n.) +cream(n.). Forice-cream cone(1909), seecone. also from1744 Entries linking toice-cream ...
Ice Cream,是一个英文词组,英式音标为[aɪs kriːm],美式音标为[aɪs kriːm],中文意思为冰淇淋。释义 中文意为:甜点、冰淇淋 The origins of ice cream can be traced back to at least the 4th century B.C.T he origins of ice cream can be traced back to at least the 4th century...
☞ Non-dairy ice cream 不含奶冰淇淋 ☞ Banana split[splɪt] 香蕉船 ☞ Milkshake['mɪlkʃeɪk] 奶昔 ☞ Smoothie['smuːðɪ] 冰沙 ☞ Shaved ice / Snow cone 刨冰 ☞ Sorbet['sɔːbeɪ; -bɪt] 果汁雪...
这里再为大家科普一下:并不是所有的冰淇淋都可以叫“ice cream”,因为有些冰淇淋太有名,它们都有自己的专属名字,比如说普特君虽进店但从未消费过的哈根达斯,比如说意大利的Gelato。 特别是在意大利,你别理所当然的认为所有冰淇淋都是ice cream,...
雪糕的英文可不是ice cream哦!ice cream专指冰淇淋,而在英文里,雪糕可以用 popsicle这个词来表示。但是,popsicle这个词,一般在北美国家(美国和加拿大)比较常用。雪糕的起源非常久远,最早是由中国传到西方国家的。中国有古籍记载,大约在3000多年前,古代人就已经用冰解暑了,后来,皇宫里就有人用奶和糖做成...
虽然在中文里,我们有时候说到“冰淇淋”就是指“甜筒”,但其实甜筒的英文并不叫 ice cream,而是cone。它原本的意思是“圆锥体”,是不是完美贴合了甜筒的形象呀~ 不仅如此,cone 还可以用来指蛋筒本身。所以当你听到“cup or cone?”的时候,其实...