I’m deeply in love with ice cream, for a split moment of insanity, I thought thatshemight actually like me back. Ice cream is always irresistible; it’s like dew drops to a thirsty man in the desert, like air after being underwater for a long time, like sex to the forty year old...
指定口味则需要额外收费$1 117 Tampines Street 86, The Alps Residences, Singapore 528538 12 pm – 2 am 7.The Ice Cream Bar Source IG@yyw Source IG@ps_tan_8991 The Ice Cream Bar的特色在于 这里不仅仅提供冰激淋 还有各种各样的鸡尾酒 鸡尾酒搭配上独家的冰激淋 碰撞出专属于热带的微醺凉爽风味~ ...
We have 3 ice cream flavours at various FairPrice Finest and Xtra outlets! Do check us out at ntuc!