ice-cream cornet n 1.(Cookery) a conical edible wafer for holding ice cream 2.such a cone containing ice cream Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The meaning of ICE-CREAM CONE is a thin crisp edible cone for holding ice cream; also : one filled with ice cream. How to use ice-cream cone in a sentence.
The little boy licked the ice - cream cone. 小男孩舐着冰淇淋蛋卷. 辞典例句 It is illegal to transport an ice cream cone in your pocket. 将冰淇淋甜筒放在口袋内运送是违法的. 互联网 Marianne slipped to the Concession Stand for an ice cream cone. ...
Makesabeautifuldesserttoservecompany,orscoopitup andputitinanicecreamcone(aspictured). 做个美味甜点来招待客人吧,抑或把它放进冰淇淋蛋卷筒里,一个人慢慢的勺着吃,都是绝佳的选择。 7. There was this fifty-footicecreamcone,outpoppedaneight-footlongskunkrandowntheice creamconeandsprayed...
Homemade Waffle Cone Recipe “These at-home ice cream cones are fun to make, but they’re also delicious! Of course, be careful when molding them, as you need to work with them while warm. But this is a really fun family activity to step-up your home sundae bar.”—Tracy Wilk ...
“ice cream cone”的同义表达之一是“waffle cone”,它特指那种用华夫饼制成的蛋筒,通常用于装载冰淇淋。 另一个同义表达是“sugar cone”,它强调的是蛋筒的甜味和由糖制成的特点。 还有一个常用的同义表达是“cone with ice cream”,这种表达方式更直接地描述了蛋筒和冰淇淋的组合...
Ice cream is a frozen dairy food made from cream or butterfat, milk, sugar, and flavorings. Frozen custard and French-type ice creams also contain eggs. Hundreds of flavors have been devised, the most popular being vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Lea
ice creama. 1.乳白色的 n. 1.[U,C]冰淇淋 creamn. 1. 乳脂,奶油 2. 乳霜,乳膏 3. 奶油夹心糖 4. 护肤霜,洁净剂,清洗液 5. 奶油色,淡黄色,米色 6. 精英,精华,精髓 adj. 1. 奶油色的;淡黄色的; conen. 1.(实心或空心的)圆锥体 2.(实心或空心的)圆锥形物 3. 锥形警告路标(常用红白色或...
关于基础素材的具体使用方法,新来的朋友可以参考之前的文章:A is for apple.「 Hooray For Letters! 」第一期 练习字母I和单词Ice cream的书写。 装饰字母I,用橡皮泥来填充。 📝 了解冰淇淋的种类和口味 除了最常见的Ice cream cone(蛋筒)和Sundae(圣代),还有一些其他的类型。 例如: Popsicle 雪糕 Ice crea...
Ice cream letters make adorable baby shower letter decor or photo props for an ice cream party. Make these DIY handpainted party letters in an afternoon!