冰区级别:1B 由于靠近两极地区水域结冰,根据结冰的程度,划分不同的等级。而船舶建造的时候,根据船舶的航区不同,对船舶建造要求也不同。也就是说该轮可以在1B的水域航行。
ICE CLASS一般指冰区等级,参考芬兰瑞典规范,有相应的船级符号,比如 1C、1B、1A、1AS
1.(五角星)general dry cargo +ice class B 1)五角星是中国船级社检验合格的符号,2)general dry cargo 是表示该船舶是一艘“普通干货船”,3)ice class B是表示该船舶可以在“小块漂流浮冰况区域航行”。2.,(五角星)CSM附加MCC 1)五角星同上,2)CSM是表示该船舶“推进机械和重要用途的...
DNV 冰级规则与芬兰‐瑞典冰级规则对应符号: DNV Ice Class notation ICE-1A* ICE-1A ICE-1B ICE-1C Equivalent Finnish-Swedish Ice Class 1A Super 1A 1B 1C 下表中列出需要送审的文件: 船体冰区结构加强区域如下所示: 根据规范描述,主要是对船体结构的加强,进行直接计算及有限元校核计算,对于船体外板...
Sea Ice Examination for Ice Class Ships visiting Horseshoe Island, Antarctica, Using MODIS in 2000-2022doi:10.7225/toms.v13.n01.w05Yirmibeolu, Sinanzsoy, BurcuTransactions on Maritime Science
System.Fabric Assembly: System.Fabric.dll Package: Microsoft.ServiceFabric v9.1.1833 The base Service Fabric exception class. C# [System.Serializable]publicclassFabricException:Exception Inheritance Exception FabricException ...
Basically - an Ice Class notation relates to a specific set of rules and regulations covering the construction of a vessel to allow it to operate in varying Ice conditions.Almost without exception the requirements of any Ice Class notation relate to increased strengthening of the vessel,increased ...
Knutsen OAS Shipping (KOAS) has signed a contract with Daewoo Shipbuilding (DSME) for a fourth LNG tanker, but this time with ice-class. The vessel is based on the same specification as the three other LNG tankers KOAS have ordered at Daewoo. Each of the four 17 3400m3 capacity LNG ta...