Meeting icebreakers often get a bad reputation for being cheesy or awkward, but they can play a fundamental role in helping team members bond and improving company culture. Icebreakers help to create a sociable atmosphere in the workplace, relaxing any tension or worries that team members may h...
Just search beforehand for some goofy imagery (“awkward family photos” is a fun resource!). Think along the lines of dogs in sunglasses or a vending machine that’s only stocked with one silly item. In your virtual meeting, ask each member to type their caption in the chatbox and have...
Ice breaker games for meetings play a major role in organizational meetings where communication and participation are essential. Meeting ice breakers promote a sense of community and drive engagement. It eliminates the often perceived barriers present in a workplace due to designations and departmental...
Virtual Meeting Icebreakers Not all meetings nowadays are in-person. Some are virtual. These fun icebreakers can be performed anytime, anywhere, no matter the distance! Icebreaker #1: Show and Tell Best For:Turning coworkers into show-and-tell-loving third graders again!
Icebreakers for When You Meet New People It doesn’t matter if you’re meeting a person in a casual or business setting for the first time, breaking the ice is important, especially when you have no idea how to get the conversation going. Here are some questions that can help you get ...
It can be tricky to know how to start a meeting. In fact, the introduction is often the hardest part to get right. But with a great ice-breaker you can relax yourself and your audience, making them more alert and receptive. Here are five simple ways to put an audience in the right ...
Ice breaker games should last between 2-20 minutes, depending on the game you choose to play. These should also take place at the beginning of a meeting or get-together. Ice breakers should be short and easy, acting as a warm up for your team rather than the main event. Longer games ...
Learn from other ice breakers…adapt them to your own needs. Learn to “time” your ice breaker so that it has a positive impact on your meeting or speech. Make it humorous…nothing sets the tone better than laughter. Practice it. Work with it until you are confident in your ability to...
Heading a workshop? Icebreakers are great for lightening up the atmosphere at the beginning of a meeting or event, and encouraging everyone to participate fully. This collection of 50 icebreakers is organized around common businesssituations and is designed to help leaders start every session, ...
Shift the focus from now to later. Say, “What are you doing later today?” or “What do you have going on this weekend?” Then use their response to gracefully bow out of the convo. “Sounds exciting! Look, it was so great meeting you. Tons of luck on that 10-mile hike. I hop...