Fun ice breaker questions can lead to interesting team-bonding moments. Team building questions can help a new team member feel more integrated into the group – as folks tend to bond over commonalities. Engaging ice breaker questions encourage team members to discuss their personal accomplishments a...
24. Say you’re independently wealthy and don’t have to work, what would you do with your time? This question and the resulting conversation sheds some light on their true motivations beyond just getting a paycheck. 9 Ice Breaker Questions To Ask A Girl via: Pexels / Inga Seliverstova ...
An ice breaker question is exactly what it sounds like: it’s a question that you ask a personal or business contact to break the ice and ease into a conversation. Generally, ice breaker questions are thought-provoking to the point of encouraging the other person to talk. Of course, the ...
•What was your favorite childhood toy? •My biggest pet peeve is... •What is your favorite commercial? What commercial annoys you the most? •What's the most interesting "Ice Breaker" Question you have ever been asked? •If you could be an ice cream flavor, what would it be...
Ice Breaker Questions for a First Date What do you like to do in your free time? What’s your favorite vacation destination? Who’s your celebrity crush? What’s your favorite type of music to listen to? What has been the highlight of your week so far? What’s your favorite way to...
24. Say you’re independently wealthy and don’t have to work, what would you do with your time? This question and the resulting conversation sheds some light on their true motivations beyond just getting a paycheck. 9 Ice Breaker Questions To Ask A Girl ...