An ice breaker question is exactly what it sounds like: it’s a question that you ask a personal or business contact to break the ice and ease into a conversation. Generally, ice breaker questions are thought-provoking to the point of encouraging the other person to talk. Of course, the ...
The Social Question Ask each participant an ice breaker question. These can help to stimulate lively conversations and even debate. Most importantly, they'll enable people to get to know each other better, and encourage communication and team bonding. What was your first job? What's your favo...
This is similar to the Switch Side If… ice breaker from above but instead of a group divided on two sides, everyone sits. One person is “it” and asks a question that starts with “Do you love….”. Those who answer “yes” to the question must rise from their seats and pick a ...
Figure 1. Arctic sea-ice extent. Note the left edge of the graph is February 1, not January 1. Arctic sea-ice has stubbornly resisted the very warm years between 2015-2017 caused by the big El Niño. Are we going ...