His motto is to surprise people, and he is a frontier who keeps rewriting the history in every season. He has charismatic attraction such as a rock star, and everybody likes Yuri irrespective of age or sex very much. By a chance, Victor started to get interested in Yuri, and ... ...
Cecile Richards, the former Planned Parenthood President, has died at the age of 67, The New York Times reported. Richards is the daughter of the late Anne Richards, the former Texas governor. She was also a colleague of my brother-in-law Bryan Howard, who served as the CEO o...
At the age of 16, he joined the 600 trainee priests who boarded at the seminary. Stalin is said to have lost interest in his studies, and his grades in the studies dropped; he was repeatedly confined to a room for his rebellious behavior. Teachers complained that he declared himself an ...
The False Prince is also a coming-of-age novel. Sage has to refine his character by decreasing his arrogance and leaving some things unsaid. He is my favorite character because he won’t give in to anyone and intelligently takes note of small details that ultimately save him. The suspense ...
Kanav is at an age where our choice of what we do next and where we do it from would shape the rest of his life in a meaningful way. With great choice comes great confusion. Shruti, Kanav and I are about to begin a once-in-a-lifetime journey together to figure all this out. ...
Using modern methods to calculate projected changes to sea levels, researchers discovered that the two ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica respond differently, reflecting their very distinct local climates.
When I was growing up as a kid, billionaires were evil, in the Bond movies, in Spy novels, in newspapers and the like. They were always twisted, bitter, power-hungry megalomaniacs bent on world control. In this day and age we have come to worship Billionaires, they are the Superheroes...