Meanwhile, a human tribe has recently killed part of a Smilodon pack for their pelts. Soto, the leader of the remaining saber-toothed tigers, seeks revenge by targeting the humans. He orders his lieutenant, Diego, to capture and bring back Roshan, the infant son of the human chief. After...
Diego meets up with Sid and Manny. He feigns interest in the baby’s welfare and declares that he can help them quickly return the child. From there, the remainder of the movie follows their journey to find the human tribe and bring back the boy. Many inevitable plot twists ensue. Does ...
Manny: Sounds very attractive. Sid: You know, this whole ice age thing is getting old. You know what I could go for? Global warming. Manny: Oy. Diego: Keep dreamin'. Sid: No, really. [Manny, Sid and Diego walk into the sunset]...
Born into a family of sloths that went on to abandon him well into his adulthood, Sid met a mammoth named Manny and a saber-tooth tiger named Diego as the three of them made a journey through a tundra to return a human baby named Roshan to his tribe. Following the journey, the three...
Ice Age is Blue Sky Studio’s first film and the directorial debut of Chris Wedge. The film was released in 2002, kick-starting the Ice Age franchise as we know it today. The movie follows the journey of four misfits as they try to return a human baby to its tribe. The gang consist...
Ice Age(2002)類型: 動畫, 喜劇, 家庭 上映中: Mar 15, 2002 0.0 The film begins with a squirrel known as Scrat, who is trying to find a location to store his prized acorn. Eventually, as he tries to hide it, he causes an avalanche. He barely escapes, but finds himself stepped on ...
The trio bands together to return a lost human baby to its tribe, and along the way, they must battle against a pack of saber-toothed tigers and navigate treacherous icy landscapes. One of the things that make Ice Age so special is its ability to appeal to both children and adults. The...
Juliana's sub-human ape men kidnap King Jarol's daughter, the beautiful virgin Princess Teegra, prompting the young warrior Larn, last a tribe killed by Nekron and his forces, to go on a desperate quest for her. Larn's only ally is the mysterious warrior Darkwolf. Contribute to this ...
As we travel back to the Pleistocene Ice Age, we meet an unlikely group of friends: Sid, a sloth; Manny, a mammoth; and Diego, a saber-toothed tiger. These three make up an odd combination, but together, they try to guide a lost human child back to his tribe. ...
InIce Age: Continental Drift, When the herd needs the help of a tribe of hyraxes, Sid harkens back to his days as the Fire King. Manny (Ray Romano) tries to talk slowly to the little furry (potential) friends but to no avail. This is when Sid confidently steps in, much to Manny’...